Wednesday 9 June 2010

Randon Car Talk

Ok, soooo....

Well as my profile says I'm into my cars in a big way!
Over the years I have had a real appreation for cars, I started out with a Austin Rover Metro 1.3
It was to say the least... Awesome! Such a fun car to drive. A very basic car but it handled well and it was comfy.
Then I moved over to the Austin Rover Mistro.... Urm.... it was Red! The only good bit about that car! Not worth the £100 :(

I went a little up market after that.... MK2 Astra 1.6 Yeh! another fun, fun car!
Very cheap plastic interior but it again handled well. I did put this car through it paces and it held well. There was a misterious rattle that, still to this day I have no idea what it was!

After that I had a Citroen ZX 1.4 it was GREEEEEN! :) A real comfy car... everything else was ok and passable. I did like the styling on it.... it was different without being ugly.

Not much change as I went into a Renault Megan.... nearly exactly the same as the ZX..... just Renault..... and immobiliser problems!

Then I had a sensiable streek and went for a MK2 Ford Mondeo 2.0 LX Saloon..... Wow! All I can say! Everything was thought about when they designed it.

I of corse went back to being a kid again and brought an Alfa Romeo 145 1.8T-Spark.....
Such a lovely nippy car, good acceleration. Handeling was ok.... not the best but not the worst.
BUT I am 6"1 and so I was too tall for it.

Now currently I have a Ford Cougar V6...... I am compleatly taken with this car.
Most bits where taken from the Mondeo MK2 ST23 (? I think ?) and make better!
The power down put is brilliant, the handeling is brilliant! Even more so now the wheels have been changed.

So, as I fell in love with the Cougar, I decided to join a Cougar forum..... Hmmm!!
I joined my first forum .net (not going to say the rest!)

There, as there are in the world, was a couple of idots on there which meant they split from the main forum...... I can see why, not worth the hassel..... but saying that there where a few good members.

So I joined another Cougar forum....
The members on there are such a community. Everyone is so friendly and helpful.
I have really got into the spirit of things and felt welcome.

Joing the Cougar forum about 9-10 months ago I am still on there posting away! But the Admin team decided to make me a Moderator.... Woo hoo!!

As a proper geek I love my car and most Fords, and so I am trying to orginise a meet for all the generations of the Cougar, the Capri and Probe.

We shall see how that gets on.....


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